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Up close shot of ADT camera on a table with family in the background.
August 20, 2021

Where To Place Home Security Cameras In Charlotte?

Where are the most effective locations to place your home security cameras in Charlotte? Normally, you have three significant sectors of the home for video surveillance: your principal entryway, the exterior space around your home, and select interior spaces. While your security installer is able to advise where to start, here's a quick guide of where to place your home security cameras throughout your property.

Always Protect Your Front Entryway

Although you might find it unlikely that an intruder would make an effort to simply stroll through the front door, 34% of break-ins take place near this obvious access point. You also have porch pirates among other dangers to deal with. A video doorbell is ideal to manage all of these worries with crystal clear high-def, wide-angle capabilities.

Doorbell surveillance is extra useful as you are able to converse with any visitors who approach and ring the bell. Through your security app, like ADT Control, you can answer each instance with two-way communications and real-time footage and give the impression you’re on site. Then if a visitor does try to do something questionable, you will have your video surveillance automatically record a clip and deliver it to your smartphone through a text.

Cover The Most Area With Your Outdoor Surveillance System

Determining where to place home security cameras outside your residence can be a daunting undertaking. Thankfully, there are some useful suggestions to greatly increase the likelihood that your property is well protected.

  • Corners of your Charlotte house offer a large field-of-view, letting you see two parts of your yard.
  • Position underneath an overhang or directly into a length of siding or exterior trim are perfect spots for cameras as they will be somewhat hidden by your home.
  • Above your garage, as the garage door is a more enticing access point for intruders than you’d think!
  • Above a back porch or rear door -- or any entrance not visible from the street.

For each installation, be sure to cut back any bushes or tree limbs that may block your view.

Tips To Enjoy The Highest Level of Performance From Your Interior Video Equipment

You have more options on where to place home security cameras on the interior of your home in Charlotte. That same flexibility means you have other installation variables to consider:

  • Windows and Sunlight: Even though you should be certain your windows are down and latched, the sunshine through a window can cast a glare on your video recording. Point the front of your camera away from any direct views of windows to eliminate this problem.
  • Utilize Height: In the same fashion as an observation deck, a security camera installed in a high place will produce a more panoramic view. You might situate your cameras above tall pieces of furniture or affixed to a corner or ceiling.
  • Keep Out of Reach: Your video equipment will lose its ability to protect you if it’s broken. Set your security cameras where little ones and house pets can’t mess with them. Consider mounting or another means of attaching them to be certain they won’t wobble if inadvertently knocked into.
  • Houseplants and Decor: The greatest video camera won’t help you much if there is a plant obstructing the field of vision. However, interior decor and plant life may be a perfect way to conceal your recording devices. Just ensure they don’t impede the view!

Turn to Secure24 Alarm Systems And Find the Right Place For Your Home Security Cameras

To ensure the proper installation of your home security cameras and other security equipment, turn to the professionals at Secure24 Alarm Systems. We'll help install the right package for your whole house -- defending every square foot. Just call (704) 980-0988 or submit the form below to arrange a consultation.